IBAT College Diploma in Web Design

A ten-week, online learning journey: from the fundamentals of modern web design with HTML5 and CSS3 to building and deploying your personal portfolio website.

   Live tutorials every Thursday evening 6:30-9:30pm on Google Meet.

View a complete list of the 13 Exercises, and six Projects and Personal Portfolio Website.

Web Design Diploma: Marking Scheme and Grades.

Slideshows: Web page elements and Web page types

Graphics: Free online services and resources

Next steps: Some further courses and certifications

Starting Out, Setting Up

Creating an account for web hosting on GitHub

Web Hosting on GitHub

Creating a free GitHub account, choosing a website name and setting up a repository for hosting your web pages.

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Installing and customising Visual Studio Code for web designers

Installing Visual Studio Code

Installing and customising the free Microsoft Visual Studio Code app for creating web pages and stylesheets.

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Working with Folders and Files

Working with Folders

Creating a logical folder structure for the various files typically used in website projects.

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Fundamentals of HTML

Working with HTML

Working with HTML

Understanding the basic structure of an HTML file and adding HTML text formatting tags.

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Debugging HTML

Debugging HTML

Using the HTMLHint extension in VS Code to identify and correct mark-up errors in the HTML code of a web page.

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SEO and Web Pages

SEO and Web Pages

Using HTML tags to optimise the ranking of your web pages on Google and other search engines.

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Container Elements

Container Elements

Exploring wireframes, prototypes and the container elements used in modern web design (HTML5 and CSS3).

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Fundamentals of CSS

Working with CSS

Working with CSS

Linking a stylesheet to a web page, and updating the style rules to change the visual appearance of a web page.

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Negative Spacing

Negative Spacing

Using negative space between content elements to make your web pages easier and more inviting to read.

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Media Queries

Media Queries

Adding media queries to a CSS file so that web page elements resize according to the viewport width.

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Colours and Classes

Working with Colour Models

Working with Colour Models

Learning about the three main colour systems used in web design: colour names, RGB values and hex codes.

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Updating CSS Colours

Updating CSS Colours

Using CSS files to apply text and background colour styles to your exercise web pages and your home page.

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CSS Custom Colours

Classes and Custom Properties

Creating and using classes and custom properties in HTML and CSS.

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Images and Web Design

Introduction to Images

Introduction to Images

Understanding popular image formats used on web pages, and discovering sources of free-to-use images.

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Working with Images

Working with Images

Inserting images in a web page, and styling images with drop shadow and rounded corner effects.

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Text and Typography

portfolio all the light

Working with Text

Understanding and applying the most commonly used CSS text properties in web design.

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portfolio all the light

Working with Google Fonts

Linking your web pages to Google Fonts and formatting text elements by adding Google Font names to your stylesheets.

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portfolio all the light

Fluid Typography

Applying the fluid typographic equation to scale font sizes responsively according to the viewport width.

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Working with Hyperlinks

Introduction to Hyperlinks

Introduction to Hyperlinks

Understanding the difference between absolute and relative hyperlinks, and adding hyperlinks to sample web pages.

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portfolio all the light

Internal Hyperlinks

Creating a Wikipedia-style web page navigation system with a smooth-scrolling visual effect.

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portfolio all the light

Styling Hyperlinks with CSS

Applying CSS style rules such as text colours, borders and transitions to hyperlink states.

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Web Design Projects

Project: Snazzy Fashion

Snazzy Fashion

A web page for a fashion retailer with a background video, multiple sections and Line Awesome icons.

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Project: Smooth Smoothies

Smooth Smoothies

A web page for a smoothie outlet with on-load animations and images with transparent backgrounds.

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Project: Crypto Wallet

Crypto Wallet

A dark-themed web page for a fictitious crypto wallet.

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Project: Multi-columns


A gallery of multi-column, responsive layouts.

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Project: Hero Gallery

Hero Gallery

A gallery of hero block elements with split-screen layouts and duotone images.

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Project: Book Store

Book Store

An online book store with affiliate links to the Amazon website.

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Portfolio Website

Personal Website

Personal Website

Creating your personal portfolio website with four pages.

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Setting Up Google Analytics

Setting Up Google Analytics

Monitoring your website visitors by adding a unique tracking code to your web pages.

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Privacy Messages

Privacy Messages

Creating a ‘pop-up’ cookie consent message to include in your web pages.

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Serverless Forms

Serverless Forms

Using forms with GitHub Pages by registering for a third-party online form processing service such as Formspree.

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Setting up the Google Search Console to monitor and maintain your website’s presence in Google search results.

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Google Search Console

Web Design and AI Tools

Some AI tools to help you on your HTML/CSS and web design learning journey.

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