CA 3: JavaScript Projects

Below you can view a list of the 10 JavaScript you have worked with in the various lessons.

Please upload these completed projects to sub-folders in your folder.

1: Random Colour Generator

You use an array of hexadecimal values to randomly generate a background colour for a web page.

Sample image

2: Counter

You create an increment and decrement counter that changes the colour of the number displayed on a web page.

Sample image

3: Tip Calculator

You calculates the tip for a restaurant bill based on the level of service and the number of customers served.

Sample image

4: Random Quotations Generator

You use the Fetch API to retrieve a randomly-choosen selection of ten inspiring quotations.

Sample image

5: Internet Movie Database API

You use the Fetch API to retrieve a searchable list of movie titles and images from the Internet Movie Database website.

Sample image

6: Images Slideshow

You create a slideshow with an array of images from Dublin city, Ireland.

Sample image

7: Image Blur Filter

You use CSS custom properties and HTML custom data attributes to adjust the filter blur property of an image.

Sample image

8: Data Tables

You populate an HTML table with data stored in an array. The project code includes the option to remove data items.

Sample image

9: Calculator with Modules

You create a basic calculator that uses export/import statements to share code with a JavaScript module file.

Sample image

10: Dublin Weather

You use the Fetch API to retrieve current weather information for the city of Dublin, Ireland.

Sample image