JavaScript Projects


Projects Portfolio Page

Downloading and personalising your project base files and creating a home page for your JavaScript projects.

Random Colour Generator

Uses an array of hexadecimal values to randomly generate a background colour for the web page.


An increment and decrement counter that changes the colour of the number displayed on the web page.

Tip Calculator

Calculates the tip for a restaurant bill based on the level of service and the number of customers.

Random Quotations Generator

Uses the Fetch API to retrieve a randomly-choosen selection of ten inspiring quotations.

Internet Movie Database API

Uses the Fetch API to retrieve a searchable list of movie titles and images from the Internet Movie Database.

Images Slideshow

A slideshow with an array of images from Dublin city, Ireland.

Image Blur Filter

Uses CSS variables and HTML custom data attributes to adjust the filter blur property of an image.

Data Tables

Populates an HTML table with data stored in an array. Includes the option to remove data items.

Calculator with Modules

A basic calculator that uses export/import statements to share code with a JavaScript module file.

Dublin Weather

Uses the Fetch API to retrieve current weather information for the city of Dublin, Ireland.