Event Listeners: Exercises

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Follow the exercises in the online Lesson: Event Listeners

✅  Happy coding.

Sample heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed aliquid, distinctio ipsa pariatur exercitationem voluptate illo accusamus in sint voluptas quia alias odit! Nesciunt expedita libero accusantium sed quibusdam magni!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem nisi modi cum inventore doloremque, obcaecati, odit eligendi dolorum repellat quis similique quam iusto soluta explicabo beatae a neque saepe ratione?

Exercise 12.1: Create an event listener with an external function to change the box background color to red

btn_1, when clicked, should change the background color of box-color-1 to red.

Exercise 12.2: Create an event listener with an internal function

btn_2, when clicked, should change the background color of box-color-2 to green.